Take control of your health,

eat well and enjoy life

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Invest in yourself.

As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Meredith offers a holistic and bio-individual approach to wellness in order to meet the particular needs of each of her clients and help them create a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Meredith creates customized programs for each client to help them take control of their health. She guides her clients in making healthier life choices, teaches them to eat whole, nutrient dense foods and ultimately helps them reach their wellness goals. Whether the goal is weight-loss, toning, cleansing or just eating healthier, she helps clients take small steps towards lasting, positive change. Her clients learn to eat well, and live a healthy & balanced life.

Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping, Pantry Makeovers & More!

Meredith creates custom meal plans for her clients tailored to their preferences and health goals. All meal plans are full of whole foods and clean ingredients, come with tips on how to shop, a grocery list of what to buy, and include her favorite healthy brands. She also offers grocery store excursions, where she helps clients learn how to read nutrition labels, and choose the healthiest options at the store while saving money. To help prevent her clients from derailing their health goals, she will also help “clean out” their fridge and pantry, removing temptations so only the healthiest, clean ingredients are on hand, allowing them to successfully reach their goals.